Supportive Therapies For Better Outcomes — Enrich Your Life Through Relaxation Techniques, Aromatherapy, and Gentle Movement.

Want to Manage Your Pain Quickly? Supportive Therapies Help!

Want to Manage Your Pain Quickly? Supportive Therapies Help!

The opioid crisis is causing regulating agencies to look at alternatives for managing acute and chronic pain. We explore how supportive therapies can help ...more

Opioid Crisis ,Pain Management Step &Supportive Therapies

July 13, 20234 min read

How Is Frankincense Reducing Side Effects in Cancer Care?

How Is Frankincense Reducing Side Effects in Cancer Care?

Exploring the role of essential oils, specifically Frankincense, in supporting patients in cancer care situations. ...more

Aromatherapy ,Cancer Care Essential Oils Holistic Therapies &Pain Management

May 16, 20224 min read

Harnessing the Power of the Imaginal Body to Help Healing

Harnessing the Power of the Imaginal Body to Help Healing

The power of the imaginal body is not imaginary, but rather a useful tool for healing and connection. ...more

Chakra Healing ,Healing Movement Holistic Wellness Meditation &Pain Management

December 23, 20214 min read

Break the Pain - Inflammation Cycle with Peppermint Oil!

Break the Pain - Inflammation Cycle with Peppermint Oil!

We take a brief look at the chemical effects of peppermint oil in the body, how pain and inflammation work together, and how peppermint can help neutralize the cycle! ...more

Pain Management

August 05, 20214 min read

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Want to Manage Your Pain Quickly? Supportive Therapies Help!

Want to Manage Your Pain Quickly? Supportive Therapies Help!

The opioid crisis is causing regulating agencies to look at alternatives for managing acute and chronic pain. We explore how supportive therapies can help ...more

Opioid Crisis ,Pain Management Step &Supportive Therapies

July 13, 20234 min read

How Is Frankincense Reducing Side Effects in Cancer Care?

How Is Frankincense Reducing Side Effects in Cancer Care?

Exploring the role of essential oils, specifically Frankincense, in supporting patients in cancer care situations. ...more

Aromatherapy ,Cancer Care Essential Oils Holistic Therapies &Pain Management

May 16, 20224 min read

Harnessing the Power of the Imaginal Body to Help Healing

Harnessing the Power of the Imaginal Body to Help Healing

The power of the imaginal body is not imaginary, but rather a useful tool for healing and connection. ...more

Chakra Healing ,Healing Movement Holistic Wellness Meditation &Pain Management

December 23, 20214 min read

Break the Pain - Inflammation Cycle with Peppermint Oil!

Break the Pain - Inflammation Cycle with Peppermint Oil!

We take a brief look at the chemical effects of peppermint oil in the body, how pain and inflammation work together, and how peppermint can help neutralize the cycle! ...more

Pain Management

August 05, 20214 min read

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