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It's time for Change

Transforming the Nursing Industry: It's Time For Change

September 09, 20244 min read

The nursing profession is at a critical crossroads. What was once a field driven by passion, empathy, and dedication has now become an industry plagued by burnout, mental health challenges, and even workplace violence. After 35 years in the nursing field, I’ve witnessed firsthand the increasing struggles nurses face, and it's time for a change.

In my latest article, featured in USA Today, I explore the alarming state of the nursing profession and provide actionable steps we can take to address these challenges. The statistics are sobering: nurses are at a higher risk of suicide compared to other professions, and half of nurses report symptoms of burnout. Many of our colleagues are considering leaving the profession due to the immense pressure and lack of support. But these numbers represent more than just statistics—they reflect real people, real struggles, and real trauma in the workplace.

Transforming the Nursing Industry

Real People Facing Real Trauma in the Workplace

These are not just numbers—they represent real people, our colleagues, who are struggling to keep up with the demands of the job. Did you know that nurses are at a higher risk for suicide compared to other professions? And, many nurses are considering leaving their jobs due to the immense pressure and lack of support.

Nurses who spend their careers caring for others are often left without adequate mental health support themselves. Long hours, underpayment, and a lack of work-life balance have left many nurses overwhelmed and unsupported. The profession is increasingly unsustainable, and if we don’t take action soon, we risk losing the people who form our healthcare system's backbone.

However, this doesn’t have to be the future of nursing. There are tangible solutions to improve the environment for nurses, and healthcare organizations are responsible for implementing these changes. Providing mental health support, addressing workplace violence, and investing in wellness programs are essential steps toward a healthier and more sustainable nursing profession.

It's time for change

Wellness Programs Bring Empowerment & Team Cohesiveness

But it’s not all doom and gloom. In the USA Today article, I discuss how wellness programs can be pivotal in empowering nurses and promoting team cohesiveness. These programs are more than just a way to reduce stress—they're a pathway to healing the healthcare system from within. 

At Reis Wellness Services, we offer innovative programs that teach nurses how to regain their balance, peace, and joy, often in just five minutes. Based on ancient and modern methodologies, these express programs are designed to provide immediate relief and long-term resilience.

Nurses need to prioritize their own well-being to continue effectively caring for others. It may seem counterintuitive, but self-care is the foundation for compassionate care. Feedback from healthcare professionals who have engaged with our programs has been overwhelmingly positive. These tools are easy to incorporate into their daily routines and can also be shared with patients, helping everyone return to a place of balance and healing.

We have received positive feedback from healthcare professionals on the strategies they have learned to use for themselves. They also can easily share with patients and others quickly to guide them back to a place of balance.

Let’s Transform the Future of Nursing—Together

The future of healthcare depends on the well-being of our nurses. If we genuinely want to transform the nursing industry, we must start by supporting the people who keep the system running. I encourage you to read and share my USA Today article to help advocate for these necessary changes.

Even if you're not in healthcare, you or a loved one will likely require medical care at some point. The well-being of nurses directly impacts the quality of care they provide to their patients. By investing in their mental, emotional, and physical health, we can create a healthcare system that benefits providers and patients.

The time for transformation is now. Let’s work together to create lasting change that supports nurses and ensures a healthier, more compassionate future for healthcare.

Read the Article in USA today

This blog is provided for educational and informational purposes only and is not medical, mental health, or healthcare advice.  Although Debra Reis is a Clinical Nurse Specialist licensed in the state of Michigan, she is not acting in that capacity here. Debra Reis is acting as a holistic educator and consultant, not as a licensed medical health professional or in her professional capacity as a Clinical Nurse Specialist. The information presented here is not intended to diagnose, treat, heal, cure or prevent any illness, medical condition, or mental or emotional condition. Working with us is not a guarantee of any results. Debra Reis, Wellness Services, LLC owns all copyrights to the materials presented here unless otherwise noted.

nursing industrytime for change
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It's time for Change

Transforming the Nursing Industry: It's Time For Change

September 09, 20244 min read

The nursing profession is at a critical crossroads. What was once a field driven by passion, empathy, and dedication has now become an industry plagued by burnout, mental health challenges, and even workplace violence. After 35 years in the nursing field, I’ve witnessed firsthand the increasing struggles nurses face, and it's time for a change.

In my latest article, featured in USA Today, I explore the alarming state of the nursing profession and provide actionable steps we can take to address these challenges. The statistics are sobering: nurses are at a higher risk of suicide compared to other professions, and half of nurses report symptoms of burnout. Many of our colleagues are considering leaving the profession due to the immense pressure and lack of support. But these numbers represent more than just statistics—they reflect real people, real struggles, and real trauma in the workplace.

Transforming the Nursing Industry

Real People Facing Real Trauma in the Workplace

These are not just numbers—they represent real people, our colleagues, who are struggling to keep up with the demands of the job. Did you know that nurses are at a higher risk for suicide compared to other professions? And, many nurses are considering leaving their jobs due to the immense pressure and lack of support.

Nurses who spend their careers caring for others are often left without adequate mental health support themselves. Long hours, underpayment, and a lack of work-life balance have left many nurses overwhelmed and unsupported. The profession is increasingly unsustainable, and if we don’t take action soon, we risk losing the people who form our healthcare system's backbone.

However, this doesn’t have to be the future of nursing. There are tangible solutions to improve the environment for nurses, and healthcare organizations are responsible for implementing these changes. Providing mental health support, addressing workplace violence, and investing in wellness programs are essential steps toward a healthier and more sustainable nursing profession.

It's time for change

Wellness Programs Bring Empowerment & Team Cohesiveness

But it’s not all doom and gloom. In the USA Today article, I discuss how wellness programs can be pivotal in empowering nurses and promoting team cohesiveness. These programs are more than just a way to reduce stress—they're a pathway to healing the healthcare system from within. 

At Reis Wellness Services, we offer innovative programs that teach nurses how to regain their balance, peace, and joy, often in just five minutes. Based on ancient and modern methodologies, these express programs are designed to provide immediate relief and long-term resilience.

Nurses need to prioritize their own well-being to continue effectively caring for others. It may seem counterintuitive, but self-care is the foundation for compassionate care. Feedback from healthcare professionals who have engaged with our programs has been overwhelmingly positive. These tools are easy to incorporate into their daily routines and can also be shared with patients, helping everyone return to a place of balance and healing.

We have received positive feedback from healthcare professionals on the strategies they have learned to use for themselves. They also can easily share with patients and others quickly to guide them back to a place of balance.

Let’s Transform the Future of Nursing—Together

The future of healthcare depends on the well-being of our nurses. If we genuinely want to transform the nursing industry, we must start by supporting the people who keep the system running. I encourage you to read and share my USA Today article to help advocate for these necessary changes.

Even if you're not in healthcare, you or a loved one will likely require medical care at some point. The well-being of nurses directly impacts the quality of care they provide to their patients. By investing in their mental, emotional, and physical health, we can create a healthcare system that benefits providers and patients.

The time for transformation is now. Let’s work together to create lasting change that supports nurses and ensures a healthier, more compassionate future for healthcare.

Read the Article in USA today

This blog is provided for educational and informational purposes only and is not medical, mental health, or healthcare advice.  Although Debra Reis is a Clinical Nurse Specialist licensed in the state of Michigan, she is not acting in that capacity here. Debra Reis is acting as a holistic educator and consultant, not as a licensed medical health professional or in her professional capacity as a Clinical Nurse Specialist. The information presented here is not intended to diagnose, treat, heal, cure or prevent any illness, medical condition, or mental or emotional condition. Working with us is not a guarantee of any results. Debra Reis, Wellness Services, LLC owns all copyrights to the materials presented here unless otherwise noted.

nursing industrytime for change
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